Hand Crafts

Working with Fur

There are few people who do not love the feeling of fur, but wearing fur clothing has come under fire in recent years. Animal rights...

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Hand Crafts

Passing Down a Love of Crafts

For many people, their love of hand crafted items began at home. One of their parents might have spent countless evenings knitting or crocheting, or...

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Hand Crafts

The Warmth of Yarn

Handcrafts are a way to pass time for many people, but they are also a way to produce needed items. Blankets, sweaters and other cold...

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Hand Crafts

Blacksmithing Makes a Comeback

There are very few people who think about the continuing need for shoeing horses, yet blacksmiths have been creating horseshoes for centuries. Fortunately, this craft...

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Hand Crafts

Hand-Made Candles

There is nothing that says home and love like candles burning brightly, and early settlers made them by hand. Many areas did not have a...

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Hand Crafts

Advancing in a Hand Craft

Many people grow up in households where hand crafting items is a family affair, but some of them will want to learn more advanced ways...

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Hand Crafts

Modern Craft Revival

The world has changed greatly over the centuries of mankind's written records, and craft trends come and go. People find interest in many different things,...

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